About Us

White Pines Family Farm is a family based agri-food business in southern Grey County owned by local resident Ben Gott. Over the past few years Ben has been working on his vision to grow high quality chemical free fruits and vegetables year-round through the development of raised beds, a fruit orchard, hoop houses and an underground greenhouse.  Although not yet certified organic, we use strictly natural ingredients in our soil mixes and fertilizers.  We don’t use any pesticides, fungicides or herbicides on our farm.  For fertility we use compost and nitrogen-fixing plants, and we love to mulch!

The business includes White Pines Artisan Market which has this web based presence at the moment, but will add a physical location by spring 2022. Through the sale of fruits, vegetables and herbs, Gourmet Foods and value-added products, White Pines Artisan Market hopes to increase people’s access to and their understanding of quality local food.  Ben is adamant that all value-added activities of the market should center around the concept of using in-house produce as ingredients for food products or food service fare.   Whatever can not be produced on site would be purchased from other local producers supporting the concept fully of “local food” and local food economies.  Our goal is to eventually produce all ingredients for our food products – even the lemons and limes!

After much research, many learning experiences, and the challenges of a new COVID reality, White Pines Family Farm and its Artisan Market is finally open – at least online!  Plans are underway to open our physical location in the spring of 2022.  Our physical location will allow us to provide a hands-on shopping experience for our customers as well as providing the public access to our gourmet food offerings such as our famous mouth-watering Gourmet Tacos prepared by local chef and long-time family friend Ryan Mueller.

Ben has created a business that utilizes the assets of his family’s unique family property and the talents of skilled family members to promote local sustainable food and unique gourmet food experiences.  As a family business Ben is also proud to offer you one of a kind, hand crafted artisan creations designed and made by talented family relatives.  Whether for you or for someone special, you are sure to love these unique offerings.